Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Playing with the 'Minimalist' style...

The class's 'Short Ride' notations
Contributor: Nicky Watling,
Primary Music Consultant and Kate Warland

School: A school in Hampshire


Piece: Short Ride in a Fast Machine, John Adams

Media: video of pupils performing their 'minimalist' composition

CLICK HERE to watch!

This piece was used because the current classroom topic was 'Fairgrounds'.

Introducing a 'Minimalist' style:

  • We listened to the music, responded to the steady beat and identified the instruments being played.
  • We found out about minimalist music and experimented with creating our own minimalist style music using Garage Band on iPads and acoustically as a class.
  • We then composed and rehearsed our own piece of minimalist “short ride” music – we notated this on big paper and rehearsed it before recording our performance.  

  • We learnt about minimalist music and how to layer rhythmic patterns
  • We found out how to change from one section in the music to the next accurately and smoothly.
  • We learnt how to rehearse and improve our performance until it was “the best it could be”.
  • Concentrating all the time and ensuring that all the different parts were performed at the same speed

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